IRC Commands Explanation
- General Information
- Commands For All Users
- Commands For Channel Operators (ChanOps)
- Commands For IRC Operators (IRCops)
General Information
Where a parameter appears in square brackets, [ and ], it is an optional
parameter. In other words, you can leave it out.
To merely say something in a channel, just type it or type:
/say Whatever it is that you wish to say
They /say is redundant really and is rarely of use unless
- You want to say something starting with a / which would otherwise be
interpretted as a command
- You want to say something in an alias or script
Commands For All Users
- Lists all the channels available
/join #Channel
- Joins the channel named #Channel
/names [#Channel]
- Lists the names of the people on each channel if no channel name is
given and all those on the channel specified if a channel name is given
/me does an action
- Does the action "does an action". The result of this depends on the
client of the person viewing the action but for most it has a result of
either: * Your_nickname does an action or ACTION: Your_nickname
does an action. Actions are commonly used to bring an added dimension
to the conversation. They allow people to express what they are feeling or
doing at the moment without saying, for example "I'm grinning right now"
/msg Nickname message
- Sends a private message, "message", to Nickname
/describe destination does an action
- An action that only "destination" sees where "destination" can be
a user or channel
/exec OS_command
- This executes an OS (operating system) command, "OS_command" from
within IRC
/exec - OS_command
- This executes an OS (operating system) command, "OS_command" from
within IRC and redirects the output to the current channel
/redirect destination /command
- Redirects the resultant output of the command "/command" to the user
or channel "destination"
Commands For Channel Operators
/topic [topic]
/topic #Channel [topic]
- Shows you the topic if you specify no topic to be set, and sets the
topic to "topic" if one is specified. One or the other of the commands above
should work
/kick #Channel Nickname [message]
- Kicks "Nickname" off the channel "#Channel" and uses the optional
message as an explanation as to the reason for the kick
/mode #Channel +o Nickname
- Bestows operator status on "Nickname". To deop someone, merely
replace the + with a -
/mode #Channel +b Nickname!user@host.domain
- Bans the specified individual from the channel. The * and ? wildcards
may be used and to unban, type the same command but replace + with -
/mode #Channel +/-paramater
- This changes the modes on the channel "#Channel". Some examples are:
- +t -- Topics may only be changed by channel operators
- +n -- No messages to the channel
- +i -- Invite only channel
- +s -- Secret channel
- +p -- Private channel
- +k passwd -- Password protects #Channel with the password "passwd"
Commands For IRC Operators
/kill Nickname [reason]
- Kills a user totally from the server that they are on and gives them
the reason, "reason", that they have been killed