What's all this about then...?
This page is an archive and official distribution site for counter digit
styles which I have created. It also provides links to cool counter- and
digit-related sites.
"What on earth is a web counter digit style?!?", you
ask. Well, you are all familiar with web page counters -- those pictures
in all sorts of styles and colours showing the number of visits or visitors
received by a web site. An awful lot of these counters are produced by a
very nice piece of software by Muhammad Muquit called
Count (or, long
form, WWW Homepage Access Counter and Clock). This very clever piece of
software comes with several different digit styles (like a font for the
counter), but you can download loads of extra digit styles from web sites
around the world (see the links page).
You can also, with a bit of knowledge, make your own digit styles! These
pages are a repository for the humble digit styles which I have created...
If you have questions about either the Count program or digit styles, see
the help page.